“The Kingdom” - Rehearsal 1
PLEASE NOTE: - This rehearsal takes place during Easter Week and during the schools’ Easter Holidays owing to the lateness of Easter this year and the need to fit in as many rehearsals of “The Kingdom” as possible. Please make every effort to attend.
Rehearsal 4
Hummel p 70 - Sanctus
Hummel p 86 - Agnus Dei
Mozart p 38 - Laudate Pueri
Hummel p75 Benedictus
Rehearsal 3
Mozart Vespers pp 50-54
Hummel Credo. p38-47
Mozart Vespers Confitebor p 13
Mozart Vespers Beatus Vir p 24
Hummel - Kyrie
Elgar 9
p.155 - Voices on Earth
p.163 - Souls in Purgatory
p. 95 - Angelicals’ Chorus Part 1
p.102 - Angelicals’ Chorus Part2
p.111 - Angelicals’ Chorus Part 3
p.124 - Angelicals’ Chorus Part 4
p.34 - Rescue him
p.41 - Go in the name
Elgar 8
p.11 Kyrie
p.16. Be merciful
p.70 Demons’ Chorus
p.74. Demons’ Chorus
p.34-38 - Rescue him
p83. Demons’ Chorus
p.96-111 Angelica’s’ Chorus
Elgar 7
p.34 - Rescue him (including semichorus)
p.41 - Go in the name (including semichorus p.44)
p.111 - Praise to the Holiest
p.163 - Souls in purgatory
p.167 - Souls in Purgatory
p.124-147 - Double Chorus
Elgar 6
p.11 - Kyrie
p.16 - Be merciful
p.83 - Demons’ Chorus
p.70 - Demons’ Chorus
p95 - Angelicals’ chorus
p.102 - Angelicals’ chorus