For details of WHEN Zoom rehearsals take place
please click HERE
Guidance for use of Zoom for sectional rehearsals
Jenny will send an email with a link for these rehearsals to all members.
Please use the Rehearsal Material and make sure you have your score and pencil. Try to arrange no one phones you during your rehearsal time. Have a drink close to hand.
Please enter the rehearsal by 7:25 for the earlier rehearsal and 8:25 for the later rehearsal. If you join late you may find the rehearsal has already started and there is no one available to put you into the right rehearsal group.
Please have your name on the screen. It is particularly helpful to new members that they get to know names and faces.
When singing along, please keep your microphone switched off. There can be a time-lag in the sound; others might hear you singing a second late and be distracted! There will be the opportunity to talk between parts of the songs.
Please keep your camera on! At the end of the rehearsal, we would like to take a screenshot of those taking part for this website. If you don’t want to be photographed, that is OK. We will let you leave the rehearsal space before we take the screenshot.